VMware Identity Manager and F5 New Step in Configuration

This week I deployed VMware Identity Manager in my lab to do some testing with SQL Always-On and F5.

When I configured VMware Identity Manager to work with F5, something I have done many times in the past, I came across and issue. After I logged out I couldn’t log in to VMware Identity Manager with a domain account but could login with a local account. The issue is below


After testing a few things and trying to figure out the issue I found that when changing the FQDN of VMware Identity Manager there is a new step that need to be done.

Basically after changing the FQDN go back to the Admin UI.

Click Catalog and then settings.

From there select New End User Portal UI and click Enable New Portal UI


After this log out and you should now be able to log back in with a domain account.


Announcing the App Volumes Backup Fling

It gives me great pleasure to announce the first Fling that I have worked on.

Over the last couple months Chris Halstead, Stephane Asselin and I have been working on the new App Volumes Backup Fling.


This tool will help customers to backup their AppStacks and Writable Volumes VMDK files using their standard backup tools, normally backup tools do not see these files as they are not seen with in the vCenter inventory unless they are connected to a users virtual desktop.

Below you will find a number of links where you can find more information about the App Volumes Backup Fling.

Fling Download

App Volumes Back Fling

Video Demo

You can also see the full announcement on VMware.com here

For instructions on how to use the Fling see the blog here

Please feel free to leave any feedback for Chris, Stephane and I and any features you would like to see added.